Housing Services Portal

A live view of residents’ activities as they happen.

Care management at your fingertips

The Housing Services Portal (HSP) is a pioneering scheme management application that runs on a Windows tablet or PC.

It connects via Wi-Fi to your Communicall system to give you a live view of residents’ activities as they happen, providing an overview that allows you to prioritise and manage their care.

Simply touch the ‘Activity’ button to reveal a real-time picture of the activity levels of residents monitored via the system. See at a glance which residents are active, away from home or remain inactive – necessitating a call.

“It makes my job so much easier. You just have to glance at it and the information is there for you.”

Scheme Manager, Riverside ECHG

How does it work?

Simply touch the ‘Live’ button to reveal a live view of events as they happen, right across your system. The screen displays the time and nature of the incident, the radio ID of the device that raised the alarm and the ID of the receiver picking up the transmission. 

Touching the ‘History’ button allows you to examine past calls from a particular resident or alarm type. You can search across a range of dates, enter key words such as ‘Flood Detector’ and select as many alarm types as you wish.


Real time, early detection of potential issues and emergency events. 

Optimises care management time.

Improves operational efficiency with call prioritisation.

Facilitates risk assessment and ongoing assessment.

Reduces administration costs.

Paperless print log.


  • Portable SCP 
  • Graphical resident activity 
  • Paperless print log 
  • Historical print log view 
  • Easy to access standard web interface 
  • Inbuilt HSP User Manual

Technology you can trust

Communicall Vi IP

Communicall Vi IP is the first IP warden call system. It adds an extra dimension to housing with care, enhancing the resident experience and setting a new benchmark in technology enabled care.

Learn more

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