Lifeline GSM

What is it?

The Lifeline GSM is a simple to use telecare home unit which supports independent living, by enabling the home environment to be monitored 24 hours a day, through a mobile network. The Hub also includes a POTS connection to use with a wired telephone connection.

Who is it for?

Ideal for anyone needing extra support to maintain independence at home, the Lifeline GSM can provide reassurance and confidence. Its flexibility means that it is suitable for a wide variety of individuals including older or vulnerable people, individuals recuperating after a hospital stay and anyone with reduced mobility, physical or sensory impairments or long term health conditions such as dementia, heart disease or COPD.

How does it work?

The Lifeline GSM home unit links with a wide range of telecare sensors to raise an alarm in an emergency. It connects directly to a monitoring centre via a mobile phone network, when no land line is available.

Users can press a button on the Lifeline GSM unit or a wearable pendant to call for help raising an alarm to a 24 hour monitoring centre. A trained operator is able to respond to the alarm call through the unit’s loudspeaker/microphone and take appropriate action, such as contacting a family member, carer or the emergency services.

A range of sensors are available to provide 24 hour monitoring within the home. These discreet, strategically placed wireless sensors can detect risks such as fire, flood or gas leaks and raise an audible alarm, as well as communicating with the Lifeline GSM to alert assistance.

The Lifeline GSM incorporates the Tunstall patented STMF (Single Tone Multi Frequency) technology that helps ensure its products continue to operate effectively on next generation (NGN) and GSM networks.


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