
What is it?

The CareAssist is a portable telecare alarm that can receive telecare alerts and display not only the type of sensor activated but also either the location of the sensor and/or the name of the person the sensor has been assigned to. This means that onsite carers can be quickly made aware of any incidents allowing them to provide a high level of care whilst maximising their effi ciency. It will also help to reduce the impact on informal carers’ lifestyles enabling them to lead more independent lives.

Who is it for?

CareAssist is designed to support local carers to deliver high quality, non-intrusive care. It is extremely easy to use, portable device that provides carers working or living onsite with a means to receive instant alerts from Tunstall’s range of telecare sensors.

As a result, onsite carers can be quickly made aware of any incidents and provides a very cost effective telecare solution whilst avoiding the need for a telephone line or monitoring centre service which is often not required when full time (24 hour) care is being provided.

With a radio range of up to 200 metres (line of sight), it is particularly suited to small specialist dementia care, intermediate care, learning disability, residential and care home, and respite care facilities.

It can also provide significant benefits to private individuals and their informal carers who may prefer not to be connected to a 24 hour monitoring centre service.

How does it work?

Telecare sensors are pre-assigned to the CareAssist and allocated to either a location within a building e.g. communal lounge or to a specific resident e.g. Mrs Smith Flat 1. When the telecare sensor is activated, the CareAssist will vibrate, beep and light up its bright screen to alert the carer to the incident allowing them to view what sensor activated the alarm, which room/resident it is allocated to and the time and date of the alarm enabling them to take speedy and appropriate action.


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