Epilepsy sensors are used to monitor people with epilepsy while they sleep. Patented sensor technology detects a person’s movement in bed and is able to differentiate normal movements from epileptic seizures. An alarm can be raised using either a Lifeline home unit, Communicall or CareAssist.
Defined as the tendency to have recurrent seizures, there are about 40 different types of epilepsy and it is most commonly diagnosed in children and people over 65.
This is a solution for individuals at home and in grouped housing developments.
In many cases a carer for someone with epilepsy will undertake regular checks throughout the night, which is labour intensive for paid carers and means broken sleep for informal carers. The person affected may also find these checks intrusive and undignified.
An epilepsy sensor will automatically raise an alert with a carer if it detects a seizure, enabling appropriate care be provided quickly, without the need for manual checks.
An epilepsy sensor enables tonic clonic seizures to be detected the moment they occur, ensuring carers can respond quickly if they are needed, but otherwise do not disturb the user’s sleep.
Epilepsy sensors can be used in individual homes or assisted living environments. They are portable and simple to use, supporting carers and protecting users.
The sensor is suitable for use with children as well as adults.