Flood detector

An early warning of accidental flooding in the home.

A wireless sensor for flat surfaces

The Tunstall Flood Detector is a wireless, indoor sensor that gives early warning of potential flooding in the home and raises an alarm with the monitoring centre via a Lifeline home unit or other Tunstall telecare enabled system. It’s ideal for homeowners, residents or tenants living independently.

Detects and prevents flood damage


  • Provides reassurance and extra protection for people living independently.
  • Prevents flood damage caused by blocked sinks, toilets or taps being left on.
  • Easy to install directly onto a flat surface, with no fixtures or fittings required
  • Reduces the consequences of flooding such as long term health impact, dangerous accidents and damage to furnishings and electrical equipment.
  • Reduces repair costs and helps to prevent increased insurance premiums.
  • Delivers coverage throughout the home with an extensive radio range of up to 50m.


    Discreet device to be placed onto flat surfaces

How does it work?

The Tunstall Flood Detector can be placed on the floor under a sink, near a bath or by a toilet to detect early signs of flooding. When two of its three sensors make contact with water, an audible alarm is raised and an alert is sent to a Lifeline home unit or other Tunstall telecare enabled system. The monitoring centre receiving the alert can identify the type of detector and immediately arrange for the most appropriate action to be taken.


  • Audible flood detection alarm 
  • Automatic flood alert sent to a monitoring centre 
  • Small and compact radio sensor unit 
  • Transmission to Class 1 radio receiver 
  • Dedicated and reliable radio signals for linking Tunstall telecare enabled systems 
  • Optimum radio battery operation with five year battery life and low battery warnings

Intelligent, unobtrusive, person-centred care

Two ladies talking with iPad

Technology Solutions for Independent Living

Health, housing and social care services provide life changing support to the people who need it most. Download our brochure to find out more about the technology solutions available to support those living independently. 

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