We are continuing to work with our customers and staff to minimise the effects of COVID-19 in line with the advice from Government. We have taken active steps aimed at business continuity, for us and our customers and we continue to explore all options to mitigate against the impact of COVID-19 on areas of our business and supply chain.
We are in daily contact with TSA, and other industry partners, to have mitigating actions in place and continue to closely monitor the evolving nature of this situation.
All Tunstall Engineers have a responsibility to protect themselves and others whilst working on client’s premises to control and limit the spread of COVID-19. The following additional steps are in place with all our engineering workforce to continue to deliver our services to vulnerable people living in grouped living environment, managed services settings and individual service user’s homes.
If no infection is reported within a development or specific user address, the engineer will continue as usual to carry out install/repairs/maintenance/managed service using the additional measures detailed above.
Grouped living environment: If there is notification that there is either infection or isolation within a development, the engineer will continue to carry out install/repairs/maintenance using the additional measures, however will not be able to carry out works within particular dwellings where isolation is taking place.
If it is found that a fault lies within a specific dwelling with infected or self-isolation case, an agreed plan will be developed with our customer i.e. disconnect that specific dwelling externally (grouped living environment) and work with our customer around the provision of alternate solution for the affected service user as appropriate, for example a separate dispersed alarm.
We continue to monitor the Government advice and will work with our customers to continue service delivery.